Yuji (formerly Eugene Mendalman) is an Asian-American barista who first appears in the Season Five episode "I Like You Hi" on the fictional television show called Extreme Barista.
Yuji wears a gold necklace around his neck with his name printed on it and has a blue collar shirt with the sleeves torn off. He also has black hair, visible facial hair, and sunglasses.
Yuji has won three golden barista awards, and he loves to perform things to the extreme. Unfortunately, his new name always auto corrects to You Hi, which drives possible fans away. His only known fans include Mordecai, Rigby, and CJ.
- Yuji has a habit of buying planners even when he doesn't have much to do.
- He has also written a book.
- Yuji was originally going to be a parody of reality TV personalities, particularly the faux celebrity complex but since Toby Jones and Owen Dennis don't watch a lot of reality shows, Yuji ended up based on nothing.[1]