The Moon is an orbital satellite belonging to Earth. It has been involved in many adventures with the Park crew.
By the late 1960s, humanity had taken its first steps on the moon, as learned by Party Horse 42699.[1]
During Mordecai and Rigby's early days working at the Park, they accidentally sent Skips to the moon using The Power. Whilst waiting for Mordecai, Benson and Pops to get ready to collect Skips, Rigby sent a bunch of random stuff to the moon using the same device, out of boredom. These included a bunch of baby ducks, a broken soda machine, and a monster combining both his and Mordecai's features with that of his wrestling doll, Beef Burrito. This came as a surprise to everyone when they reached the moon, and they left almost immediately with Skips before potentially getting attacked by the monster.[2]
A few years later, Moto Goosawary X smashed Hyperduck Extreme - Park Variant into the moon. When this happened, the moon began to crack and then split in two. The remains of the moon would soon become a part of the Geese' transformation, becoming Lunar-Goosawary X - Omega Warrior. [3]
Despite the aforementioned events, the moon was soon restored to its previous form. [4]