Space Tree Station is a massive space station where the park crew is stationed in for the "Spark Initiative" in Season Eight, with Colonel Rawls serving as the commanding officer in charge of the station. It first appeared in "Welcome to Space".
The Space Tree Station was last shown engaging in battle against Anti-Pops and his forces at the end of the episode "Space Escape", where its fate remains unclear.
The design of the space station is shaped after a pine tree.
Notable Places[]
- Docking Bay
- Colonel Rawls' Office
- Barracks
- Shooting Range
- Simulation Room
- Food Court
- Duty Free Shop
- Greenhouse
- Prank Division
- Chow Mein and Don't Touch Anything Shop
- Phone Home
- Space Elevator
Notable Residents[]
- Colonel Rawls (former) (possibly deceased)
- Chance Sureshot (former)
- Toothpick Sally (former)
- Recap Robot (former)
- Mordecai (former)
- Rigby (former)
- Benson (former)
- Pops (former) (deceased)
- Skips (former)
- Muscle Man (former)
- Hi Five Ghost (former)
- Eileen (former)
- Dr. Craig & Jessica Jacobs (former) (deceased)
- Professor Prankenstein (former)
- Keith (former)
- Spacey McSpaceTree (former)
- Jamaican Domers (former)
- Canadian Domers (former)
- Evil Brain (former)
- Hans & Lars (former)
- Gene (former)
- The Space Tree however can be seen on Regular Show: The Movie.
Episode Appearances[]
Regular Show: The Movie
- "Regular Show: The Movie" (Debut)
- "Welcome to Space"
- "Space Creds"
- "Lost and Found"
- "Ugly Moons"
- "The Dream Warrior"
- "The Brain of Evil"
- "Fries Night"
- "Spacey McSpaceTree"
- "Can You Ear Me Now?"
- "Stuck in an Elevator"
- "The Space Race"
- "Operation: Hear No Evil"
- "Space Escape"
- "Terror Tales of the Park VI"