Escape from Ninja Dojo was an official Regular Show game released on the Cartoon Network website.
Rigby buys a bootleg copy of a video game, and is warned by Mordecai that bootleg copies are dangerous, but he doesn't listen. He then gets sucked into the game, and the only way to escape is by beating it.
There are thirty levels to the game. The player simply controls Rigby by clicking the mouse and dragging it back for him to jump and stick onto surfaces and attack ninjas. Not all surfaces are sticky however. Some surfaces can be smashed through, some you will bounce off or slide down, and others will kill you. To unlock the exit in each level, all ninjas must be taken out. Using less jumps per level will get you bonus points. When you die in the game, you simply respawn at your last stationary place. From Level 10, you will gain access to ninja stars, which can be thrown at enemies with "X".
- Mordecai
- Ninjas