"Cool Bikes" is the seventh episode of Season Three (and forty-seventh episode overall) of Regular Show. It first aired on November 7, 2011.
When Benson takes away the cart and replaces it with bikes, Mordecai and Rigby try to make him admit they're cool so that he'll give them the cart back, ending with them being put on trial by a galactic court for being too cool.
After taking a high-end cart for a joyride, Benson takes the cart away from Mordecai and Rigby and replaces it with two manual bikes after seeing that it is messed up. Mordecai and Rigby make a deal with Benson that if he admits they are cool he is required to give the cart back. Mordecai and Rigby first re-design the bikes and go to the clothing store, Das Coolest to get cool clothing to prove to Benson that they are cool.
After a montage of them getting new clothes and Benson saying that they are not cool, people circle around Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson. Benson says again that they are not cool. Then Mordecai says that they don't care what Benson thinks. After he says that, Mordecai and Rigby are placed under arrest for being too cool. They are then teleported to Intergalactic Cool Court, a space station resembling the death star wearing a pair of shutter glasses.
As they are in court, the prosecuting lawyer first brings out Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost to ask whether or not Mordecai and Rigby are cool, to which Muscle Man replies that "they looked pretty cool". After, the lawyer brings out the Das Coolest employee who says they were "the most uncool dudes ever" until they brought tons of business into his store. Right before the two were convicted as guilty, they told Gary to bring Benson in as a witness. He comes to the stand and finally states that Mordecai and Rigby are the coolest guys he knows. That prompts the judge to say that the two are guilty of being too cool and the punishment is death. Benson helps Mordecai and Rigby escape.
Right before they leave through a teleporter, Mordecai throws a bike at a satellite dish which causes the whole ship to explode before they make it back home to Earth. The episode ends with Mordecai asking Benson if they can have the cart back to which he laughs at first but then says no.
- Mordecai
- Rigby
- Benson
- Skips
- Pops
- Muscle Man
- Hi Five Ghost
- Gary
- Broseph Chillaxton
- Cool Prosecutor
- Cool Court Stenographer
- Das Coolest employee
- Cool Court Reporter
- Cool Cops
- Park
- Das Coolest
- Court
- This is the first time Gary appears without the Guardians of Eternal Youth.
- Benson said he wouldn't give Mordecai and Rigby the cart back at the end of the episode, but in later episodes Mordecai and Rigby are seen riding the cart again, which implies that he must've given the cart back to them at some point despite his refusal.
Episode Connections[]
- The basketball shoes Mordecai and Rigby wore from Slam Dunk make a reappearance in this episode. (TV: Slam Dunk)
- Mordecai and Rigby have to swear on a pile Brain Explosion records. (TV: This Is My Jam)
Pop Culture References[]
- The shot of the teleporter back to Earth is a visual homage to the film They Live.
- The appearance and explosion of the Cool Court's ship parodies that of the Death Star from Star Wars.
- This episode includes similar sound effects to that of the 1995 VHS cut of the Doctor Who 1983 episode "The Five Doctors".
- The music during the ride to the Cool Court ship is familiar to "We Will Rock You" by Queen.
- Gary points and shouts "Objection!" at one point, which is possibly a reference to the Ace Attorney series.
Production Notes[]
- This episode received 1.833 million views, making it the least viewed season three episode.
- When Mordecai and Rigby ride up to Benson after their clothes montage, their helmets disappear under their hats.
- When Gary calls Mordecai and Rigby losers, they are sitting in the wrong seats.
- When Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson are leaving the Cool Court, they are seen leaving in Gary's car instead of the bikes.
Alternate Versions[]
- The Cool Prosecutor swinging his fist towards Muscle Man was changed to him lunging towards him.